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Jan. 31 2022
Milk prices in New Zealand matter to dairy farmers in the United States because the island nation is the world’s largest dairy exporter
Jan. 27 2022
In 2021, the average person in the U.S. consumed 222.9 pounds of meat. That number will remain relatively stable for 2022, but the type of meat consumed is likely to change
Jan. 27 2022
Most dairy farmers know that the United States Dairy Export Council (USDEC) has played an important role in expanding trade from nearly negligible levels at its creation in 1995 to 2021’s 17%-plus
Jan. 27 2022
How often do we hear or use the phrase that people “want to know where their food comes from”?
Jan. 27 2022
“At the Dairy Forum in January of 2020, I made a prediction that we’d see more change in the next five years than we’ve seen in the last 15 years
Jan. 25 2022
When economists try to forecast markets, they typically look at the history of prices and production and then consider consumer demand and other market factors
Jan. 24 2022
Social media has become one of the most useful tools farmers and agriculturalists have to show consumers off the farm how food is produced and its value to a healthy diet
Jan. 24 2022
Dried distillers grains, with or without solubles (DDGS or DDGs), is a fermentation coproduct that is commonly used in livestock rations in the U.S
Jan. 24 2022
The dairy export scene has come a long way in the 27 years since the U.S. Dairy Export Council (USDEC) was first founded
Jan. 24 2022
A growing number of farmers are choosing pair housing over individual pens for preweaned calves to capture some of the cognitive and social benefits that can be gained when cattle are raised in groups
Jan. 24 2022
Inflation has officially arrived on the dairy product front as rising feed costs and the resulting tightness in U.S. milk supplies sends butter, cheese, nonfat dry milk, and whey prices climbing
Jan. 20 2022
This week's episode will discuss a recent U.S. dairy trade mission with dairy farmers and their perspective on exports
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Jan. 20 2022
This week's episode will discuss a recent U.S. dairy trade mission with dairy farmers and their perspective on exports
Jan. 20 2022
This may be one instance that inflation and supply chain issues could work to a farmer’s advantage. The same economic storm that’s driving up equipment, fertilizer, and other input costs
Jan. 20 2022
From fast food restaurants to Michelin rated restaurants, who makes the decision on what food goes on the menu? Of course, the answer is chefs and culinary specialists
Jan. 20 2022
Packaging, labelling, and shelf displays help them make their decisions on what to purchase. A well-stocked, well-organized display gives the impression of choice and quality, while a sparse or unorganized...
Jan. 20 2022
“Export demand is larger than ever,” said Mark Stephenson during the January Hoard’s Dairyman webinar. Since 2004, the amount of U.S. dairy products sent overseas has been growing
Jan. 17 2022
Humans have known for generations that milk — nature’s most nearly perfect food — is a convenient, versatile package of nutrition
Jan. 17 2022
In recent weeks, projections for higher milk prices have been frequently discussed. USDA’s most current monthly outlook projects the All -Milk price for 2022 at $22.60, a 21 % jump relative to 2021
Jan. 17 2022
Dairy employers watched with intense interest the Supreme Court’s consideration of the Biden Administration’s Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS)